Posted on: December 6, 2022.
The United International Peace and Governance Council of Africa having regional offices in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Zambia, Ghana and Cameroon has Partnered with Arise O Nigeria Empowerment Initiative, a Registered Non-Governmental organization established to Empower youths and women towards the realization of Sustainable developments in Nigeria to Support ZIKEL COSMETICS to build Capacity of Over 50 Nigerian Female Youths in Entrepreneurship Development.

This great move is part of the implementation process of UNIPGC's mandates towards the realization of the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development goals in Africa.
UNIPGC Africa is passionate about developing a community-based ecosystem of entrepreneurs while building their Leadership capacities through Entreprise Development. 

This Certificate workshop on Transformational Leadership & Innovative Entreprise Development will help these young aspiring female entrepreneurs with the knowledge and sense to navigate the business world with relevant Leadership skills and time management,.

Others include Financial acumen, including skills like budgeting and the ability to understand and analyze financial performance metrics.
Strategic thinking—including adaptability—to understand situations and devise appropriate responses.

Market orientation, or an understanding of an endeavor’s target market(s), those markets’ unique priorities, and potential competitors.
Analytical skills to research and analyze data to identify cause-effect relationships or trends that should inform decision-making and strategy.
Marketing skills, like communication and public speaking, technology and social media, and negotiation.

Problem-solving, especially in terms of the ability to not be easily rattled—successful entrepreneurs are those that handle unexpected challenges creatively and methodically.

Communication skills, including the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively, empathy and active listening, emotional intelligence, and open-mindedness.

Lecture delivered by Dr. OLADUN Michael Makeyoh (PhD), Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Development , University of Ibadan School of Business, CMD-UISB, Lagos- Nigeria.

Prof. Oladun is also UNIPGC Special Envoy on Entrepreneurship Development.

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